New payment methods now available for CaptureGem
We are happy to happy to announce Moonpay is now integrated with CamTrove, meaning you can now use a debit or credit card to upgrade your account (thus getting premium for CaptureGem) leveraging the Algorand blockchain network. For any more advanced users, if you directly buy Algorand on a regular crypto exchange, you can also bypass the Moonpay fees.
Either of these options will let you upgrade your account automatically within seconds or minutes via these new payment methods (in addition to the Bitcoin one). Note these options are only available for the 90 or 365 day plans. Bitcoin is still available for 30 day plans.
Algorand is one of the fastest crypto networks also with some of the lowest fees, costing only $0.001 to make a transaction.
In addition, we are also accepting payments now on Cash App! Link. This is finally a mainstream way to accept payments.
Please visit our Discord for more instructions on Cash App. Note we currently only accept payments for 365 day plans for Cash App - if you want a 30 or 90 day plan, use one of the automatic options.